Thursday, November 08, 2007

Why bother blogging? Try informed reportage

You get to meet interesting people who can encourage you to think about things in a way you might not have before, or, remind you of something important that you had forgotten. Mick Fealty who spoke at a Daily Telegraph blogging event last evening, reminded me of the reasons to became a journalist, way back before the idea of blogging had crossed the consciousness of the media business. I'm listing an appropriate quote, paraphrasing Mick's verbals, from one of his online homes.

What would be your main blogging advice to a novice blogger? Listen as much as you write.

I should also name check Lloyd Shepherd and Jonathan Charles, who spotted that the BBC Radio 4 show - From our own correspondent - was, and is, a proto-blog. So, here's to the renewal of informed reportage. Long may it thrive. Thanks to Shane Richmond and all at The Telegraph for arranging the evening. Shane has also got a list of reactions to the evenings musings which I am not going to try and duplicate. If you are interested in how we communicate, make and distribute news, it's worth a good explore.

Matt Buck’s animated drawings

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